Individual Support

The Green Bay Shoe Closet operates off of two key factors: donations and connections. Donations allow the Shoe Closet to give shoes to students of poverty; connections allow us to use this money efficiently. Any help in either of these areas is greatly appreciated, however small. If you or anyone you know would be helpful to the Shoe Closet, please contact us.

Shoes can be donated at the front office at Green Bay East High School. We are currently working on adding new locations to donate shoes, but if this location doesn’t work for you, please contact us.

We can take checks addressed to Green Bay East High School, and restricted to the Green Bay Shoe Closet. Mail checks to 1415 East Walnut Street, Green Bay, WI 54301. You can donate money online at our GoFundMe page.

To stay updated on the Green Bay Shoe Closet, sign up for the occasional newsletter: (And when we say occasional, we mean it. We won’t even come close to spamming you.)